
Animal-Industry... Not so Bad? :)

In China and Japan, a common delicacy is Tuna Eye Ball.Image Source:

In Japan, Chicken Cartilage is a tasty snack commonly served at bars.

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Also, in China, Yak Penis is a delicacy.

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In Vietnam, dog meat is also a delicacy.

In the Western hemisphere, in countries like Canada, the United-States and countries in Europe, delicacies include hamburgers, fried chicken, roasts, and other "normal" dishes. In fact, burgers and steaks aren't necessarily delicacies; they are everyday foods. If meat (and its byproducts) are so mainstream, we have no right to be ignorant as to where they come from. It is our duty, as CONSUMERS of the meat as well as supporters of the industry, to ensure that the animals are well taken care of and undergo ethical treatment.

As a vegetarian, one might be inclined to view the animal industry as terrible, heartless and strictly based on economic means like simply supplying the demand, rather than the welfare of animals. After being constantly overwhelmed with vegetarian organizations regarding the brutality and terrible handling of animals that occurs within the walls of a slaughter house or farm, mediated to us through videos and blogs and websites, I have come to a decision:
This is getting us nowhere, and trying to convince people not to consume meat or its byproducts is pointless.
I have decided that we should focus on the good industries, where animals are being taken care of under sound management and ethical sanctions and regulations. And what I expect from people is to try seek information from their butchers or meat companies that they buy from as to where the meat comes from, and then do what they can to ensure that the meat they are consuming comes from a good corporation, and support the good corporations as much as possible rather than bashing out against the bad ones and shedding a light on them.

Hopefully, with further research, a light will be shed on the idea about meat coming from bad animal industries being reasonably priced (no names or companies will be listed as I have concluded that not all information is legitimate, and therefore, unfair to post) and that organic meat, although ideal for healthy consumption, is not ideal for economic consumption.

The following points have been researched primarily from the Canadian Animal Health Coalition. More information will follow on the different animals used in the animal industries; first I will begin with sheep.

According to the Canadian Sheep Federation (and yes, it does exist, thankfully!), "...the Code of Practice for the Care and handling of Sheep is being updated through the National Farm Animal Care Council's (NFACC) Code of Practice development process."
This authenticates the rules stipulated by the organization and will be put into progress in regards to the welfare of the Sheep, and these "...Codes represent our national understanding of animal care requirements and recommended best practices" (Edouard Asnong, 2011). This code's revised edition is to be completed in 2013.
CSF represents all Canadian sheep producers and is applied to Canadian sheep, wool and dairy industry, which hopefully means that the sheep industry is at its best in Canada.

So rest assured, the Canadian sheep industry is safe, and managed ethically, or at least is currently developing into a stable, ethically enforced and respectful industry. Go on and grill those lamb shoulders GUILT-FREE! :)


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