As you all know the Play Station 3 network is down and it's not just a glitch or a momentary hiccup, it's a full-fledged meltdown. According to Sony chief spokesperson Patrick Seybold:
"While we are investigating the cause of the Network outage, we wanted to alert you that it may be a full day or two before we're able to get the service completely back up and running."
That promise was made last week and here we are, no network. And Sony's lack of communication with they're customers is becoming more and more pricy. Not only to the millions of credit cards information stored on the network but also to Sony. Some cities law suits are directed toward the tech giant because apparently the crime rates increased since then, and lets not forget about the credit cards information that have been stolen. It's not until this happened that I understood why the Xbox network comes at the coast. Xbox gamers pay for the added security.
To control the damage and erase the memory of broken promises by Sony, PlayStation will fire up a "Welcome back" program to encourage its customers to re-embrace the PlayStation Network. Initial indications from Sony are that they'll give current PSN customers the premium service, PlayStation Plus, free for 30 days. Current PlayStation Plus customers may also get 30 days free.
The problem though is, when the PlayStation network does come back online, it'll be coming up slowly, not all at once.
For now the question remains, when do I get to play again? and 77 million users (and counting) data was stolen.

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